Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Frugal Frappuccino

Here is a recipe for a homemade frappuccino:

1 cup chocolate milk
1 tbsp instant coffee granules
1 tbsp brown sugar
1 cup ice

Blend all ingredients together. Pour and serve.

I used French Vanilla for our frapps when I made them for my family the other day and they loved it! Jessica commented that it was better than Starbucks.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Winter at the Wallace's

Jessica, my older sister

The view of the highway from our back porch

Dad clearing the driveway

The sky

Looking from the top of the driveway towards the house

Our barn

The highway from the hill next to the barn

Rachel going to work on her fort

Me going to help Rachel

Monday, February 1, 2010

Redeeming the time

I have been reading a book titled "I Kissed Dating Goodbye" by Joshua Harris. It is really good and I highly recommend it. Just now I was reading about redeeming the time you have while you are single. It listed some ways we can prepare for marriage: intimacy, seeking God with others, financial responsibility, parenthood, and practical life skills. For intimacy I am working on being more open with my parents and learning how to communicate with them. I do a pretty good job taking care of my finances, making sure my bills are paid and only buying things if I have the money for it and it is a necessity, but there is always room for improvement. I have a great opportunity to "practice" parenthood with my five younger siblings. I am also a nanny to a homeschooling family of six children. I help with the laundry, the cleaning, helping the six year old with his school work, taking care of the four youngest, and chauffeuring the two oldest. Currently I need to work on seeking God with others. I have never done that before. I do my own devotions and my family has done family devotions, but I have never done one on one devotions or simply just talked to siblings and/or friends about God's great love and mercy. I am not sure how I am going to do that yet so I will have to update you on that later. The other one I need to work on is practical life skills. I am currently trying to work on cooking/baking. Also, in June maybe, I am going to try to do all the menu planning and cooking (but I am going to have mom help me with the grocery shopping). Until then I am going to finish reading this great book.