Saturday, May 8, 2010

Girls and their tutu's

Today I went to one of my special friends house, Elizabeth from my ballet class. She had received a new tutu from her parents. Elizabeth sent me an e-mail telling me about the tutu. They blind folded her and then put the tutu on her then took then walked her to her parents room the full length mirror and took of the blind fold. She was so surprised!

Elizabeth is nine years old and the fifth of eight children. She has four older brothers and three younger sisters. I arrived at their house shortly after half past one. Kristen (6), Anna (4), and Katelyn (2) all came running out of the house when I pulled in the driveway, and Elizabeth was waiting for me at the door. Dawn, their mom, said to me when I got inside that I should all the squealing from the girls when I pulled in the driveway. They had taken the dining room chairs and put them in front of the windows to watch for me. The dining room, entry and front room were all open. They had set up a table in the front room. On the table was a tea set with strawberries and crackers with cheese and for dessert we had wafers rolled up like straws with chocolate fudge inside. I think they were called Pirouettes? It all tasted very good. There were four places for Elizabeth, Kristen, Anna and me. We had lemonade instead of tea because Elizabeth does not like the taste of tea. Elizabeth set all up by herself with a little help from Kristen. We sat down and ate our strawberries and crackers and cheese. All of the tea cups, saucers and plates were Elizabeth's. Mine was pink with blue birds and flowers. Dawn took a picture of us at the table. I wish I had taken pictures too. I even had my camera with me in my purse.

While we were eating our dessert, the three girls took turns playing a song on the piano in the front room. Anna cannot really play so Elizabeth helped her. After that We went upstairs to the three older girls room and Elizabeth and Kristen showed me their gifts for Mother's Day. We then made our way downstairs to the basement. Joshua, the oldest (18), collects animal skins so the girls showed me a mink, skunk, and a raccoon. They were kind of like puppets. You could stick your hand inside of the skin and move the head and arms. It was pretty neat.
After that we went back upstairs to the family room and did some ballet for a little while. We did our warm ups and went through the five positions of ballet. Kristen knew them pretty well but Anna did not, so I helped helped her learn the positions. Elizabeth's tutu is so beautiful. The basque and the tulle are except on the bottom which is pink. I so wish I had taken a picture. She looked like such a beautiful ballerina in her tutu. It makes me want to buy a tutu of my own. Then we can dance together in our tutu's.

Once we finished with ballet we played a couple of games, dancing eggs and mou mou (not sure how you spell that). When we finished the games I had to leave because my dad needed me to help clean our church. As I was saying my goodbye's Anna gave me a kiss on the nose. Elizabeth told me that their dad calls her his "nose kisser." I then gave a hug to Kristen, then Elizabeth, and then Dawn. When I left it was almost four o'clock. I would have stayed longer. But because dad needed to my help to clean the church, I left.

It was so much fun. I cannot wait to go over there again.