Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Ukraine Mission Trip

Just thought I would pop on here and let you know that I found out this afternoon that I have been accepted to go on the mission trip to Ukraine with my church! I am so excited!! I will be with a group of about 12 women and 12 men. Us girls will be helping the elderly shut-ins while the men tear down an old church and build a new one. When I was talking to the leader back in October, she said that the elderly love to have young people around. We will be doing things like cleaning the house, doing yard work, or whatever else they need use to do. The trip is from June 28-July 12.

This will be my first time to leave the country. Please pray that we will all have save travel flying over there and driving to our destination and that we will be able to effectively help these elderly people and build a good, new church for them. Please pray that we will be able to reach out to these people and lead them to Jesus. Thank you so much!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Radiant Purity Conference

I was looking back over my notes from the Radiant Purity Conference that I attended last year with my mom and younger sister Rachel and I thought I would share my notes with you. The conference was put on by Sarah Mally. She wrote Before You Meet Prince Charming which I highly recommend.

Radiant Purity Conference, 14 August 2009.

There are two kinds of purity: 1. Innocent. 2. Cleansed. Purity starts in the heart and glows outward.

Desire the best marriage and be willing to wait for him.


To get
Set up for divorce


To give
Set up for marriage

Look for a christian, a strong christian who shows spiritual fruit.

Trust Him no matter what. He is in control and can see the big picture while we can only see a piece. Sometimes when we think something is good or that we should do something right then that may be godly, but not what God wants for us at that time in our life. What God has planned for us is better than we could imagine. A good definition of "my will" is: what God's will is if I knew all of the facts. The Lords will is perfect and we need to be patient and follow his will, no questions asked.

What to do When You Have a Crush

  1. Spring board approach.
  2. Memorize scripture.
  3. Talk to your parents.
  4. Exercise faith in trusting the Lord.

The spring board approach simply means that when the person you have a crush on comes to mind you immediately think of something else. For example, when the person comes to mind you immediately start praying for family or friends or whoever God lays on your heart. Or, you start singing a song.

Friendship Principles
  1. Keep the friendship casual.
  2. Avoid situations that will breed emotional bonds.
  3. Ask your parents for specific guidance and guidelines.
  4. Do not seek attention for yourself.
Principles of Dress
  1. Dress modestly.
  2. Do not copy the world.
  3. Do not defraud.
  4. Dress femininely.
  5. Honor your father.
  6. Draw attention to your countenance.
  7. Remember that you represent the Lord Jesus.
Emotional Purity

Seven Reasons to Send Guys to Your Dad
  1. Dad will respect you.
  2. You and your dad will be a team.
  3. Young man will respect you.
  4. Helps to screen guys.
  5. Easier for you to say no.
  6. Wisdom from dad's perspective.
  7. Relationship between dad and young man starting right.
Internet can be a wonderful blessing. You can stay up to date with family quickly, talk to friends that live far away. But it can also lead to sinfulness if you are not careful what you look at and read. Here are some reasons why.

Possible Cautions
  1. Opens up to things that are not holy. Psalm 1.
  2. Interferes with relationship with parents.
  3. Protects "artificial" friendships.
  4. Emphasis on having many friends.
  5. Sharing emotions prematurely or unwisely.
  6. Can become an addiction.
  7. Justifying relationships with young men that we normally would not.
  8. Creates an area of independence--no accountability.
  9. Encourages a split personality.
  10. Can lead us to be very "me" focused.
  11. Wasting time--one of our most precious resources.
We have to be careful about our use of the internet. We need to set up personal safeguards.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

30 Day True Woman Make-Over: Day 18

Day 18
More Than a List

We send our children to school. We give them piano lessons. We put them on sports teams. But who is teaching them about modesty?
  • There are formal, structured times to teach your children the ways of God, but more is taught in the course of everyday life using teachable moments and opportunities.
  • Ask your children questions so they can discover truth themselves. Then they will have ownership of it and it will be much more valuable.
  • If your children's hearts are to please the Lord and to make choices that are based on the Word of God, then they will not just conform to a list that you have come up with, but will become difference-makers in their culture and in their generation.

Thanksgiving 2010

For this Thanksgiving my family got together with my Grandma Lambdin's side of the family. This year was my Grandma's turn to host the dinner. It was held at my grandparents church, First Baptist of Carmel. We got their early to help set up and stayed late to clean up. The food was very good and we had a great time fellowshipping with one another. The only people missing were my Uncle Joe, Aunt Mindi, and five cousins who live in Tennessee. They went to Aunt Mindi's parents in Pennsylvania.

On Friday I caught the cold that was going around my house. We also got all our Christmas decorations put up including our tree. Saturday we had Thanksgiving with my Grandpa Lambdin's side of the family. Unfortunately, I was not able to attend because of my cold :(.

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Belated Birthday

Okay, so I completely got side tracked and forgot to tell you that my older sister, Jessica, turned 22 on 1 November. Happy Belated Birthday!

You can check out her blog here.