Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Car Accident

This past Saturday Daniel got in a car accident. He was coming around a bend in the and another car was coming towards him. Well, the guy crossed the yellow line into Daniel's lane, so Dan swerved into the grass to avoid a head-on collision. Then as he swerved back onto the road he over corrected and rolled the car once into the field. Did I mention he was driving my car? I have little red '97 Honda Civic. Well, he totalled the car. There was no blood or broken bones. However, he did hurt his head and neck and will have to go the chiropracter eventually. But I believe he off the pain meds now.

The guy who crossed the lane did not stay to help Daniel. There was an suv coming behind Daniel and he stopped and got out to help him until police officer arrived.

Hopefully by this Monday I will get my check for my car from my insurance. For my new car I will be sticking with a Honda, probably a civic or accord. I will try to post pictures of the car soon.

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