Friday, November 5, 2010

20 Revolutions Around the Sun

On October 26th I turned twenty years old! To celebrate my birthday my parents took me to breakfast at La Peeps. It was very good.

While we were eating, my parents asked me some questions. The first one was, "What was the best thing that happened to you this past year?" I answered that changing churches to College Park Church was probably the best thing that happened this past year. The second question was, "What was the worst thing that happened to you?" I could not think of the worst thing that happened to me, so instead I picked something that was hard for me this year. Leaving our church was probably the hardest thing that I did this past year. The third question was, "What were my goals for this coming year? My goals for this year are to get up at 8 o'clock every morning and have devotions, take a ballet class for adults, and, LORD willing, go an a Vision Trip with College Park to Ukraine.

Once we were finished with our meal, my mom gave me a gift bag. Inside was a $50 gift card to Hobby Lobby (I like to decorate cards). She said that this was only part of my gift and that the other part should come in the mail that day. I knew immediately what it was, the Swan Lake ballet dvd.

After Daniel got home from his class that he takes at North Point, we all stood in the kitchen and my mom gave a caramel apple with crushed oreos on the top of the apple. Then she put twenty candles on my cake and they all sang Happy Birthday. I blew out all of the candles in one breath.

Later that evening, most of my cheerleaders and I went to the Sound of Music sing-along. It was quite fun.

All in all, I had a very happy birthday.

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