Tuesday, January 11, 2011

An Early Christmas

This year our family decided to go to Florida the week of Christmas so we had our Christmas early.

On Sunday 19th, we went to the second service at College Park Church at 9:40 a.m. After church, we then headed to First Baptist Church where my mom's parents attend. Dad dropped off Mom, Rachel and I with Grandma and we went downtown to meet up with Jessica at Le Peeps. Afterwards, we went to the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra for their Christmas Yuletide Celebration at 2 p.m. This was the first time we attended and it was very good. Sandy Patti lead the celebration. Once it ended we all went back to our house and had our Christmas dinner with Grandma and Grandpa. Then we opened presents.

All of us children exchange names for Christmas. I had Matthew, Matthew had Andrew, Andrew had Rachel, Jessica had Daniel, Daniel had Jessica, and Rachel had me. I got Matthew a Deal Or No Deal game for his DS. Rachel gave me pearl earrings and chocolate covered raisins (which I love) and fruit candy. In my stocking from mom and dad I received chocolate candy and body wash stuff. For my presents I got a navy blue shirt for church (I love the deep blue color), earrings, Giada Italian cookbook, The Nativity Story, and The Best Years of Our Lives (which is like the best movie ever!).

After presents we had desert and then said goodbye to Grandpa and Grandma.

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