Thursday, January 28, 2010

Ballet Class

I had ballet this afternoon. I teach two classes and have 15 students total, four are in my first class and the eleven others are in my second class. I teach 1st-4th grade. They are so sweet and have lots (and I mean LOTS) of energy!

I teach at my co-op ISI. It stands for Iron Sharpens Iron from Proverbs 27:17 "As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another." This is my family's fourth year to be apart of ISI. I have never taught ballet before, so I was a bit nervous when I started back in September. Today was the first day of the spring semester and I was much more prepared this time. Class ran very smoothly. I love ballet! It is still strange to walk down the hallways, though, as a teacher instead of a student.

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