Monday, March 1, 2010

The Indianapolis Home School Convention

This past Friday and Saturday my mom and I went to the Indianapolis Home School Convention. It was great. I went to Sarah Mally's Workshops' Making Brothers and Sisters Best Friends, Raising Pure Daughters in a Generation of Darkness, and Alternative to College. It was so encouraging. I have read both her books, Making Brothers and Sisters Best Friends and Before You Meet Prince Charming. Very good books. I highly recommend them.

This was my second tear to go to the convention. Last year the main speakers were Doug Philips (from Vision Forum) and Ken Ham. It was so neat to hear the them speak.

My good friend, Grace Atherton, runs a booth at the convention for the movie Pendragon. She is best friends with the main actress in the movie. Grace and I email each other a lot, but we do not get to see one another very often. So the convention is one of the ways we get to see each other.

The mom the I nanny for, Carrie Thifault, was at the convention Saturday. We ran into each other at the Lamplighter booth (I highly recommend Lamplighter). I was buying some books (Self-Raised, The Wide, Wide World vol. 1&2) there and she was asking me what books I have from them. I told her the three that I have; The Hidden Hand, Ishmael, and House of Love. She asked me if I had read The Basket of Flowers? I replied no, but I was wanting to buy it eventually. She said that she has the book but was currently loaning it out to someone. So a little later I got a call from Carrie asking if I could meet her at the Vision Forum booth because she had something for me. Mom and I made our way over there. Once we got there she handed me The Basket of Flowers. She suggested that I read it to Rachel since it is geared toward her age. I asked Rachel today if she would be open to it. She said yes. We will try to read it today but we are a bit busy at the moment.

On Saturday morning we were walking in the Exhibit hall when we were stopped by a young lady who works for The Home School Channel. She asked us if we would be willing to do an interview about purity. We said yes. We walked over to were the camera was set up and she asked some questions before she taped us. She hooked us up to the microphones and she put on the headset and started recording. She asked us questions like what purity meant to us and how we were living it? Did we date or court (we court)? How do we do courtship, why do we not to dating? And a whole bunch of other questions. Once they finish editing they will email us the video to watch. When we give them the approval they are going to publish it on their website. If I can I will post the link for it later. I am a little nervous to see the video but I am sure it will look great.

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