Monday, March 29, 2010

Last night was amazing!! My church put on a concert called "We Believe". My music Pastor, Scott Apple, knows Shelly Harris (google her name) to come and sing with our choir. She did a wonderful job. For about an hour I held Esther, Scotts' youngest daughter, who is almost two. She was tired and fussy and had a runny nose, so at the beginning she would cry a little. We worship in the gym, so one little noise can sound loud. She did not want her water or her crackers. So I set her down after a little while and she walked over to the carpeted area between the kitchen and the bathrooms and found some basketballs. Esther loves balls. She played with them for quite awhile. Terry, Esther's mom, gave a testimony during that time. She talked about when Esther was born and how she had to rely on her faith to carry her through until Esther was healthy enough to come home. She then sang a song, Revelation Song, one of my favorites. By that time I had Esther in her stroller with her sippy cup and crackers. When Terry was singing several hands were raised. You could really feel the Spirit of God moving last night.

We did something that I had never done before. Everyone got a plain popsicle stick. Pastor Scott asked us to look at the stick and think of the biggest problem in you life right now and picture the words written on the stick. Then give it over to God and break the stick. Scott prayed and then Shelly Harris sang a song. While she was singing you could hear lots of popsicle sticks breaking. It was very moving.

They are talking about doing another one soon. If they are, I will let you know the date and time.

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