Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Moving Things

Well, we got Jessica completely moved in to her new apartment yesterday. She now lives 25 minutes away from us. :( She moved in with one of her friends whom we have known for several years. Everyone helped her move. We packed things in Jessica's car, the mini-van, Dad's truck, and my car. We got quite a work-out moving her futon, dresser, computer, table and chairs, and heavy bags of clothes from the vehicles to her room at the back of the apartment on the third floor. And getting to the front door was no easy chore either. We only had to make one other trip with her car and the truck. It is a very nice apartment. My favorite part is the big fireplace and her walk in closet.

Jessica used to sleep in the back room of our house. We have eight tall bookshelves back there and we lined them in up in the middle of the room for a divider. Four on one side and four on the other. But now we have rearranged the room. On the left side on the room is my Dad's office, the kids computer, and my Mom's scrapbook stuff. On the right is our new family room. We brought the couch down from the Andrew and Matthew's room (they have the biggest room in the house) and put it in the back. So now I can watch my movies without disturbing the younger ones while they are doing their school work.

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