Saturday, August 21, 2010

First Cheerleading Game

Today was our first cheerleading/football game. I coach the Homeschool Lions Cheer Squad. Our Jr. High played Heritage Christian at noon today. We lost by two points, the total score being 12-14. It was a really close game. There were 14 seconds on the clock in the fourth quarter and we were going for a two point conversion after making our second touchdown. We did not make the conversion. The boys played very well, especially since this was their first game. It was also Heritage's first game. Pictured: Emily (the mascot) and Kylie.

My old babysitter, Ashley, coaches the Jr. High cheer squad. During half time her squad came over to ours to say hello. We got to talk for the whole half time, and so did the cheerleaders. It was very fun.

I have eight girls and one mascot. Unfortunately three of the girls were not able to make it to the first game. Also, the four new girls did not have their uniforms yet. That was my fault. I did not get the girls measured soon enough and I also did not know that they (Varsity) does not ship out the uniforms until they have been paid. It will take about four weeks for the uniforms to arrive. For now they have to wear my old uniform and two other previous cheerleaders uniforms. Otherwise, they have to wear a black or dark blue skirt with a black or dark blue shirt. I also had two pairs of old poms for the girls, and Emily (the mascot), had her old pair of poms so all the girls were able to use poms. Pictured: Elle, Autumn (Kylie's older sister, also the captain), and Evelyn.


Andrew got to play today. Although, I did not recognize him at first because he has a new number this year. He is actually a freshman this but is playing down so he can have more playing time. He is a lineman.

Not pictured: Amelia, Katie, and Nicole.

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