Friday, April 30, 2010


Last Saturday I had my first cheerleading call-out of the season. I coach cheerleading for the Home School Lions Football team. So far I have one girl returning from last year and five new girls. This is my second season to coach. Last year was my first year. I was a cheerleader for six years. The first three years I cheered for my church's basketball team. Then I cheered one year for the Lions basketball team. Through them I learned of the football team. I then cheered two years for football and Daniel also played football. I was the captain my senior year, that was also when my squad found out that our coach and her family would be moving to Texas. So in April last year I was asked to replace her as coach. I said yes and had a great first year. There were nine girls, one of them being the mascot. Two of the girls are seniors this year.

Tomorrow is the second call-out. We shall see if any new girls come and if any return from last year.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

ISI Spring Celebration Night

The co-op were I teach ballet has two Celebration Nights, one at the end of the fall semester and one at the end of the spring semester. On Celebration Night perform on stage something they learned in their classes. For instance there is drama for both 5-8 and 8-12. There is also Martial Arts, they showed us different ways they had learned to defend themselves.

The younger class danced first. Their song Beautiful Terrible Cross by Selah.

The older class danced after them. Their song was Glory by Selah.

I danced their routine for them at the back of the sanctuary in case they forgot their steps. They all danced very well. I am so proud of them. As I was walking back to were we all had been sitting the girls all walked up to me with a bouquet of flowers. It was so sweet! They handed me flowers and then gave me hugs before returning to our seats. I took ballet for nine years and at each performance I would receive flowers and a ballerina figurine. Well, this year was my first time to receive both of those for teaching ballet. From Carla, my first class assistant, I received a beautiful bunny ballerina in a purple tutu and purple pointe shoes ( I will have to take a picture of it and post it later). Tamme, my second class assistant and mother of Baylee, gave me the beautiful, sweet smelling flowers. It was so sweet to receive the flowers from my ballet students.

After the performances everybody went downstairs to the gym where tables were set up displaying the different things the children made in their classes. There were also tables set up with snacks and water. Elizabeth, one of my ballerina's, had asked me earlier if she could talk with me after it was over. So in the gym we walked around talking and looking at the different displays and eating our snacks. At one point she asked for my e-mail address (I have known her and her family for two years now). I wrote it down on my napkin and gave it to her. She is such a sweet girl.

I will enjoy the break this summer but will miss seeing their sweet, beautiful, smiling faces.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Cincinnati Convention

On Friday the 9th, my family and I went to the Cincinnati Convention. This was our first time to attend the convention. My mom had three friends that were there, So we went out to lunch with them on Saturday. Two of the mom's brought some of their children with them. Daniel and Andrew hung out with the boys while Rachel was with the girls.

On Saturday I ran into Grace Atherton and her family. Neither one of us had any idea that the other was going to be at the convention. So I was able to walk the convention hall with Grace and her sisters and go to one of the workshops together.

We had a lot of fun and I hope we can go again next year.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Easter Vacation, Part 2

Monday afternoon we arrived in Columbia, Kentucky at my Grandma and Grandpa Wallace's house. For dinner we went to a Mexican restaurant. When the waiter took my Grandma's order she told him quietly that three of the children had birthdays and she wanted to know if they could do something for them. So, after dinner, four guys came to our table with three sombrero hats and fried ice cream with sprinkles. They then sang "Happy Birthday" in Spanish.

The sombrero hats are actually pretty heavy.

After they left we all took turns trying on the hats.

Once we finished, we went back home. We watched a movie that my Dad's older sister, Lynn, put together. The movie was a whole bunch of video clips that my Grandpa's mom, Clista, had taken in the '50's, '60's, and '70's. I was able to see my grandparents when they were in their twenties, my Aunt Lynn from when she was a baby to a young girl, my dad when he was a baby to a young boy, and my Aunt Missy when she was a baby.

Shortly after my Aunt Lynn was born in 1957, Great Grandma Clista would come over to my grandparents house and watch Aunt Lynn while my Grandma went to work. Clista had bought a new video camera and recorded almost every day she babysat Aunt Lynn. She had bought a top-of-the-line camera. It did not record sound and had a very bright light, so every time little ones looked at the camera that would blink a lot, close their eyes or look away. Some times they ran away.

The next day Jessica left early to go back home so she could work. Andrew's birthday was that day. He turned 14. He opened presents from Mom, Dad, Grandma and Grandpa. Rachel also opened her gift from Grandma and Grandpa because her birthday is three days after Andrew's. She turned 12. Other than that, we pretty much just relaxed and played around the house.

Wednesday morning we left for home.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Easter Vacation, Part 1

On Saturday the 3rd my family and I headed down to Knoxville, Tennessee to spend Easter with my mom's side of the family. My grandparents had already been down there for a couple of days. My mom only has one sibling, a brother, who is about three and a half years younger than she. He is married and has five children; Elise (14), Zachary (12), Olivia (9), Joshua (6), Abigail (2).

Saturday evening almost all of the cousins played a game of kick ball with some of the neighborhood children. Then later we all went out to eat at a Mexican restaurant. After that we went back to my Aunt and Uncle's house to play around some more before Mom, Dad, Daniel and I went to our hotel.

Zachary looking thrilled about getting his picture taken. Not sure what Andrew was doing.

Abby, Elise, and Olivia.

Jessica joined us early Sunday morning. We went to Uncle Joe and Aunt Mindi's Church for the Easter service. Afterwards, we headed back to my Uncle's house for a big dinner. While it was cooking we took our Easter pictures.

Front row: Matthew, Rachel.
Back row: Andrew, Jessica, Me, Daniel, Mom, Dad.

All of the Lambdin grandchildren. Front row: Matthew, Olivia, Joshua, and Rahcel. Back row: Andrew, Jessica, Zachary, Abby, Elise, Daniel, and me.

After dinner all the grandchildren, minus Jessica, participated in the Amazing Easter Race that my grandma put together. On the red team was Rachel (next door neighbor), Joshua, Olivia, and Andrew. Blue team consisted of Zachary, Rachel, Jonah (next door neighbor, Rachel's younger brother), and me. On the Green team was Daniel, Elise, Abby, and Matthew. The Amazing Easter Race was based off of Amazing Race. Each team received their first team clue and inside their was a road block. My teams road block was to go to the back yard and count all of the beans in the container and then tell the number to my grandpa. We counted 267 beans. Then we had to do the detour. For the detours you have to pick who is going to do it before opening the envelope to read what you have to do for the detour. Zachary chose to do the detour. He had to look through the basket of plastic eggs next to the beans for an egg with a small blue dot. Once he found the dot he showed it grandpa and then we ran to the back patio to receive our next clue.

Matthew and Joshua

Another one of our roadblocks was that we had to go inside to the breakfast table and sit down and eat a hard boiled egg. Everyone had to do it and you had show your empty mouth to Aunt Mindi to prove the you completely ate it. You could not use salt. Then we had to do a detour. We had to pick two people who still had an appetite. That was Zachary and me. What we had to do was one person had feed baby food to the other person. Zachary immediately elected himself to feed the baby food to me. The baby food was Fruit Medley. I do not know how those babies like that food. It was gross. What made it worse is that Zachary was feeding me big spoonfuls really fast. But it was a fun experience.

Abigail and Rachel

My team (blue) got second place, the red team got first, while the green team got third. But that was partly because the green team had to wait twice on my team to finish a roadblock before they could then do that same roadblock and their first roadblock got messed up so they ended up doing more they were supposed to do.

Olivia, Abigail, and Rachel

Once we finished we played three games of kickball before dinner. Lots of fun. Monday at lunch time Grandma and Grandpa and my family went to Chick-fil-a for lunch then they left for home and we left for my Grandpa and Grandma Wallace in Columbia, Kentucky.