Monday, April 19, 2010

Easter Vacation, Part 2

Monday afternoon we arrived in Columbia, Kentucky at my Grandma and Grandpa Wallace's house. For dinner we went to a Mexican restaurant. When the waiter took my Grandma's order she told him quietly that three of the children had birthdays and she wanted to know if they could do something for them. So, after dinner, four guys came to our table with three sombrero hats and fried ice cream with sprinkles. They then sang "Happy Birthday" in Spanish.

The sombrero hats are actually pretty heavy.

After they left we all took turns trying on the hats.

Once we finished, we went back home. We watched a movie that my Dad's older sister, Lynn, put together. The movie was a whole bunch of video clips that my Grandpa's mom, Clista, had taken in the '50's, '60's, and '70's. I was able to see my grandparents when they were in their twenties, my Aunt Lynn from when she was a baby to a young girl, my dad when he was a baby to a young boy, and my Aunt Missy when she was a baby.

Shortly after my Aunt Lynn was born in 1957, Great Grandma Clista would come over to my grandparents house and watch Aunt Lynn while my Grandma went to work. Clista had bought a new video camera and recorded almost every day she babysat Aunt Lynn. She had bought a top-of-the-line camera. It did not record sound and had a very bright light, so every time little ones looked at the camera that would blink a lot, close their eyes or look away. Some times they ran away.

The next day Jessica left early to go back home so she could work. Andrew's birthday was that day. He turned 14. He opened presents from Mom, Dad, Grandma and Grandpa. Rachel also opened her gift from Grandma and Grandpa because her birthday is three days after Andrew's. She turned 12. Other than that, we pretty much just relaxed and played around the house.

Wednesday morning we left for home.

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