Wednesday, April 28, 2010

ISI Spring Celebration Night

The co-op were I teach ballet has two Celebration Nights, one at the end of the fall semester and one at the end of the spring semester. On Celebration Night perform on stage something they learned in their classes. For instance there is drama for both 5-8 and 8-12. There is also Martial Arts, they showed us different ways they had learned to defend themselves.

The younger class danced first. Their song Beautiful Terrible Cross by Selah.

The older class danced after them. Their song was Glory by Selah.

I danced their routine for them at the back of the sanctuary in case they forgot their steps. They all danced very well. I am so proud of them. As I was walking back to were we all had been sitting the girls all walked up to me with a bouquet of flowers. It was so sweet! They handed me flowers and then gave me hugs before returning to our seats. I took ballet for nine years and at each performance I would receive flowers and a ballerina figurine. Well, this year was my first time to receive both of those for teaching ballet. From Carla, my first class assistant, I received a beautiful bunny ballerina in a purple tutu and purple pointe shoes ( I will have to take a picture of it and post it later). Tamme, my second class assistant and mother of Baylee, gave me the beautiful, sweet smelling flowers. It was so sweet to receive the flowers from my ballet students.

After the performances everybody went downstairs to the gym where tables were set up displaying the different things the children made in their classes. There were also tables set up with snacks and water. Elizabeth, one of my ballerina's, had asked me earlier if she could talk with me after it was over. So in the gym we walked around talking and looking at the different displays and eating our snacks. At one point she asked for my e-mail address (I have known her and her family for two years now). I wrote it down on my napkin and gave it to her. She is such a sweet girl.

I will enjoy the break this summer but will miss seeing their sweet, beautiful, smiling faces.

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