Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Ukraine Mission Trip

Just thought I would pop on here and let you know that I found out this afternoon that I have been accepted to go on the mission trip to Ukraine with my church! I am so excited!! I will be with a group of about 12 women and 12 men. Us girls will be helping the elderly shut-ins while the men tear down an old church and build a new one. When I was talking to the leader back in October, she said that the elderly love to have young people around. We will be doing things like cleaning the house, doing yard work, or whatever else they need use to do. The trip is from June 28-July 12.

This will be my first time to leave the country. Please pray that we will all have save travel flying over there and driving to our destination and that we will be able to effectively help these elderly people and build a good, new church for them. Please pray that we will be able to reach out to these people and lead them to Jesus. Thank you so much!

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