Friday, October 29, 2010

30 Day True Woman Make-Over: Day 13

Day 13
A Woman's Great Loveliness

What comes to mind when you hear the word modesty?
  • To be modest is to:
  1. know how to be appropriately embarrassed
  2. be discreet
  3. be reserved
  4. see yourself as you really are
  5. be ashamed if your attitudes or dress were ever to cause dishonor to Christ

  • To be immodest is to:
  1. be showy
  2. talk too much
  3. be arrogant
  4. be aggressive, controlling, or domineering

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

30 Day True Woman Make-Over: Day 12

Day 12
Affirming Our Faith

You do not leave the house with your clothes on inside out, but when it comes to modesty, that is what you need to do. First, work on the inside--on your heart--then let that be reflected on the outside.
  • Your appearance, actions, and attitudes will never make you a Christian. But if you are a Christian, you absolutely will have an appearance, attitudes, and actions that confirm you profession of faith.
  • We are not to be in any way that is unbecoming of us as believers--not in disarray; not as exhibitionists; not extreme.
  • We need to be filled with Spirit and grounded in the Word of God so that our hearts, emotions, and minds will be well-ordered; then it will be reflected in our outward appearances.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Why Do I Always Wear Skirts?

In the petting zoo at the Creation Museum

Two years ago today I made a commitment to the Lord to wear only modest skirts. When I was fifteen I was naive and thought that I could wear whatever I wanted. I put up the argument that it was "my body and I could do what I want with it." That did not go over well with my parents. They tried to show me that what I wear can cause guys to stumble and that women in the Bible are instructed to dress modestly. I insisted that my "hoochie mama" shorts (as they have so famously been dubbed) and my low cut shirts were just fine. Slowly the Lord began to change my heart. I have always been a girly-girl. As a little girl I loved dressing up and wearing skirts and dresses that I could twirl. When I was sixteen I slowly started to dress nicer, wearing longer shorts, more skirts that came to my knees and higher necked shirts.

In the summer of '08 God lead me to start wearing longer skirts. I looked in department stores but could not find any skirts. So I searched the internet and came across this website, I bought two skirts and fell in love with the website. I gradually started getting ankle-length skirts, especially with winter coming.

For my eighteenth birthday and Daniel's fifteenth birthday we invited friends over and had a bonfire. We had our party on 25 October 2008. As I was deciding what to wear for the party, I kept thinking about how I wanted to be presented to Daniel's friends. I wanted to be presented as a lady, a young woman after God's own Heart. So I asked myself "what does a lady after God's own Heart look like?" I had been reading in Deuteronomy lately as part of my daily devotions. God brought to mind a verse that I had read a few days earlier,

Deuteronomy 22:5
A woman must not wear men's clothing, nor a man wear women's clothing, for the Lord your God detests anyone who does this.

So I thought to myself "what do men wear? They wear pants. What do women wear? They wear skirts and pants. Wait. That is not right. Women wear both skirts and pants while men only wear pants?!" The Lord convicted me then and I made a commitment to the Lord to wear only modest skirts. For me, my skirts never get shorter than below my knee. I am not comfortable wearing skirts that come above my knee. Shirts never get lower than right below my collar bone. If they are any lower than that, they make me uncomfortable so I do not wear them.
At the state fair last year
It can be difficult to go shopping sometimes. You just have to stay positive and be creative. Some of my favorite places to shop are Goodwill, thrift stores, Style J, Kohl's, and Wal-mart.

What are your favorite places to shop? Do you have any personal guidelines or convictions when it comes to what you wear?

30 Day True Woman Make-Over: Day 11

For the next ten days of our make-over, we will journey with Nancy Leigh DeMoss through her teaching on 1 Timothy 2:9-10 titled "The Attractive Christian Woman."

Day 11
Women in the Church

Women can either be a great blessing in the church, or they can do incredibly great damage. They can make the gospel believable, or they can cause people to turn away from Christ.
  • The first item Paul brings up on his agenda for women in the church is their appearance.
  • The way you dress is a reflection of your heart and character. Right attitudes will produce a right appearance.
  • You cannot separate the inward form the outward.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

30 Day True Woman Make-Over: Day 10

Day 10
The Fruit of Her Hands

Do you want to become a woman of virtue? Your future will in many ways be affected by the choices you make today.
  • One trap we can fall into is thinking, "I am going to be like that woman if it kills me." We begin to perform, strive and struggle, saying, "I want to be a good Christian. I want to be a godly woman." You will get exhausted in the effort, and you will wear other people out, too.
  • The realization that you cannot do what God has called you to do by yourself is one of the greatest discoveries you will ever make. It is the starting place to victory.

Friday, October 22, 2010

30 Day True Woman Make-Over: Day 9

Day 9
High and Holy Calling

In Proverbs 31, we read about a woman who gives and gives and gives. How does she keep giving?
  • You are never more like Jesus than when you are serving.
  • What a blessing it is for a man to know that there is a wife at home who is watching and praying in his behalf, praying that as he goes out into the world, God will protect him and keep his heart pure.
  • It is a high and holy calling to be a helper to your husband and to manage the affairs of your household.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

30 Day True Woman Make-Over: Day 8

Day 8
What Does Your Home Communicate?

What is your home saying to your neighbors or the repairman who stopped in last week? Discover how an orderly home can bring glory to God.
  • God gave you the responsibility to watch over your children--to know when they are coming, when they are going, and what they are doing.
  • If you have lots of time to talk on the phone, you may be missing out on some of the things you should be doing with that time. When we have lots of time to talk, we tend to become gossips and busybodies.
  • Through a repentant heart and a teachable, humble spirit, all of us can learn to acquire those skills and disciplines we need in order to be the women God wants us to be.

Birthday Boy!

Today my little brother turns 17! He is the third child and first son in our family.
Happy Birthday Daniel!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

30 Day True Woman Make-Over: Day 7

Day 7
Measured Words

You can spend days cultivating a close relationship with someone, but it can all be destroyed by a few sinful words.
  • Is it not sad that we are so much more careful about the words we say inside our homes?
  • So often, we just say whatever we think, especially when we are with people we know really well. We just let down our hair, and we are not so conscious about what we are saying.
  • If you humble yourself every time you sin with your mouth, you will start to sin less frequently with your mouth. Stop and edit your before you speak. (That may just mean saying less.)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

30 Day True Woman Make-Over: Day 6

Day 4
Working Joyfully

If you are a mom, it probably seems like your work is never done, but there is a way to make the work lighter. If you tackle your projects out of a sense of love, you will experience new energy and motivation.
  • The Proverbs 31 woman has a heart of virtue and excellence; a godly strength and character that is lived out in the context of her home.
  • This woman is not only a hard worker; she is cheerful about her work.
  • This woman has a different attitude about work because she sees the purpose, meaning, and motivation behind that work. It is love--love for others and love for God. Her love for God makes her willing to work with her hands in providing food, clothing, and cleanup around her house.

Monday, October 18, 2010

30 Day True Woman Make-Over: Day 5

Day 5
A Godly Woman's Work

Do you realize that the work you do today is important to God? Learn how you can glorify God in the way you work, and in where you work.
  • It is a privilege and a high calling to tend to the practical, physical affairs of your home.
  • Your good works ought first to be done at home, ministering to the needs of your family. Then as God gives you time, opportunity, available resources--or in a different season of life--take those gifts and abilities and expand them.
  • As you handle the practical details related to the care of your family, there is profit. Work is good!

p.s. I could not post this Saturday because we had a Jr. High and HS football game in Dayton, OH, so we were gone all day.

Friday, October 15, 2010

30 Day True Woman Make-Over: Day 4

Day 4
Committed to Marriage

Marriage is a covenant. Learn more about this life-long commitment.
  • A wife has a permanent, unconditional commitment to act in a way that is according to her husband's best interests--not to serve herself, but to serve her husband.
  • A husband can trust a godly wife to speak well of him and to keep confidences. He can trust her in the way she speaks about him. He can trust her to protect his reputation.
  • A godly wife inspires a man to be worthy of her devotion. He rises to that because he knows he has a woman who is an asset, not a liability--a woman who supports, encourages, and helps him in every way possible.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

30 Day True Woman Make-Over: Day 3

Day 3
Modeling Humility

Does being a true woman mean you are perfect? Hardly! A true woman is simply different from most, but it is those differences that are the secret of her great influence.
  • It is more important that you model humility than that you model perfection.
  • As you allow yourself to be made and molded into the image of God's kind of woman, you will function at peace and at rest-not without problems-but with joy.
  • Do you want your husband to be a man of virtue, a noble man, a man of spiritual strength and character? Then set out not to change him, but to be the kind of woman with the kind of character that you want him to have.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

30 Day True Woman Make-Over: Day 2

On September 24 & 25 my mom and I attended the True Woman Conference by Nancy Leigh DeMoss. It started on the 23, but we were not able to attend that night because of Andrew's football game against the Indiana Deaf School.

I enjoyed it very much! I went to Nancy's breakout session on Daily Devotions: Duty or Delight. It was so encouraging. She gave everyone a 30 day challenge to have devotions every day for the next 30 days. I have taken that challenge twice and have failed twice. But I started again on Monday and by the grace of God I will finish the 30 day challenge and continue to have daily devotions after the 30 days.

I have started receiving e-mails for the 30 Day True Woman Make-Over. I will be posting the e-mails here as I receive them.

The first day was just a review of what we learned that weekend and to encourage us to continue on the paths of becoming God's true woman.

Day 2
A Virtuous Woman

When you here the phrase "A godly woman," does an actual woman come to mind? Better yet, do you think that could ever describe you?
  • The Proverbs 31 woman deals with the same stuff you do!
  • I can tell you this-she did not get there overnight, and she has not arrived yet. She is a woman in progress. She is a woman who, like most of us, often finds herself taking three steps forward and two steps back.
  • The world tells you that if you look out for yourself, then you will be happy. But it is the woman who lives for God and others who is truly joyful.

Listen to or read more here.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Wallace Family Reunion

On Saturday we had our Wallace family reunion in Illinois. I had not seen this side of the family for quite some time and most of them I had never met before.

My Grandma and Grandpa Wallace had come up from Kentucky on Thursday. My Aunt Lynn (my Dad's older sister) flew in from Florida on Friday. They all stayed at our house.

Saturday morning we drove into Illinois for the reunion. My Aunt Missy (my Dad's younger sister) Came down from Chicago.

I was pleasantly surprised that I actually enjoyed the reunion. We got to catch up with people that we already knew and I got to meet new family members. We had a good time and a lot of laughs.

There were a few people who had brithdays in October, my Aunt Lynn included. Her birthday was actually on Saturday. She turned 53.

My grandpa is on the far left. His older sister, Dorothy, is sitting in the chair. The rest are cousins.

Grandma is now standing with grandpa. Dad is on the far left with Aunt Lynn sitting below him in the orange shirt, and Aunt Missy is to her right.

After pictures, we had to rush to Heritage Christian for Andrew's game against Dayton Falcons.