Tuesday, October 19, 2010

30 Day True Woman Make-Over: Day 6

Day 4
Working Joyfully

If you are a mom, it probably seems like your work is never done, but there is a way to make the work lighter. If you tackle your projects out of a sense of love, you will experience new energy and motivation.
  • The Proverbs 31 woman has a heart of virtue and excellence; a godly strength and character that is lived out in the context of her home.
  • This woman is not only a hard worker; she is cheerful about her work.
  • This woman has a different attitude about work because she sees the purpose, meaning, and motivation behind that work. It is love--love for others and love for God. Her love for God makes her willing to work with her hands in providing food, clothing, and cleanup around her house.

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