Monday, October 18, 2010

30 Day True Woman Make-Over: Day 5

Day 5
A Godly Woman's Work

Do you realize that the work you do today is important to God? Learn how you can glorify God in the way you work, and in where you work.
  • It is a privilege and a high calling to tend to the practical, physical affairs of your home.
  • Your good works ought first to be done at home, ministering to the needs of your family. Then as God gives you time, opportunity, available resources--or in a different season of life--take those gifts and abilities and expand them.
  • As you handle the practical details related to the care of your family, there is profit. Work is good!

p.s. I could not post this Saturday because we had a Jr. High and HS football game in Dayton, OH, so we were gone all day.

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