Monday, October 25, 2010

Why Do I Always Wear Skirts?

In the petting zoo at the Creation Museum

Two years ago today I made a commitment to the Lord to wear only modest skirts. When I was fifteen I was naive and thought that I could wear whatever I wanted. I put up the argument that it was "my body and I could do what I want with it." That did not go over well with my parents. They tried to show me that what I wear can cause guys to stumble and that women in the Bible are instructed to dress modestly. I insisted that my "hoochie mama" shorts (as they have so famously been dubbed) and my low cut shirts were just fine. Slowly the Lord began to change my heart. I have always been a girly-girl. As a little girl I loved dressing up and wearing skirts and dresses that I could twirl. When I was sixteen I slowly started to dress nicer, wearing longer shorts, more skirts that came to my knees and higher necked shirts.

In the summer of '08 God lead me to start wearing longer skirts. I looked in department stores but could not find any skirts. So I searched the internet and came across this website, I bought two skirts and fell in love with the website. I gradually started getting ankle-length skirts, especially with winter coming.

For my eighteenth birthday and Daniel's fifteenth birthday we invited friends over and had a bonfire. We had our party on 25 October 2008. As I was deciding what to wear for the party, I kept thinking about how I wanted to be presented to Daniel's friends. I wanted to be presented as a lady, a young woman after God's own Heart. So I asked myself "what does a lady after God's own Heart look like?" I had been reading in Deuteronomy lately as part of my daily devotions. God brought to mind a verse that I had read a few days earlier,

Deuteronomy 22:5
A woman must not wear men's clothing, nor a man wear women's clothing, for the Lord your God detests anyone who does this.

So I thought to myself "what do men wear? They wear pants. What do women wear? They wear skirts and pants. Wait. That is not right. Women wear both skirts and pants while men only wear pants?!" The Lord convicted me then and I made a commitment to the Lord to wear only modest skirts. For me, my skirts never get shorter than below my knee. I am not comfortable wearing skirts that come above my knee. Shirts never get lower than right below my collar bone. If they are any lower than that, they make me uncomfortable so I do not wear them.
At the state fair last year
It can be difficult to go shopping sometimes. You just have to stay positive and be creative. Some of my favorite places to shop are Goodwill, thrift stores, Style J, Kohl's, and Wal-mart.

What are your favorite places to shop? Do you have any personal guidelines or convictions when it comes to what you wear?

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