Wednesday, October 13, 2010

30 Day True Woman Make-Over: Day 2

On September 24 & 25 my mom and I attended the True Woman Conference by Nancy Leigh DeMoss. It started on the 23, but we were not able to attend that night because of Andrew's football game against the Indiana Deaf School.

I enjoyed it very much! I went to Nancy's breakout session on Daily Devotions: Duty or Delight. It was so encouraging. She gave everyone a 30 day challenge to have devotions every day for the next 30 days. I have taken that challenge twice and have failed twice. But I started again on Monday and by the grace of God I will finish the 30 day challenge and continue to have daily devotions after the 30 days.

I have started receiving e-mails for the 30 Day True Woman Make-Over. I will be posting the e-mails here as I receive them.

The first day was just a review of what we learned that weekend and to encourage us to continue on the paths of becoming God's true woman.

Day 2
A Virtuous Woman

When you here the phrase "A godly woman," does an actual woman come to mind? Better yet, do you think that could ever describe you?
  • The Proverbs 31 woman deals with the same stuff you do!
  • I can tell you this-she did not get there overnight, and she has not arrived yet. She is a woman in progress. She is a woman who, like most of us, often finds herself taking three steps forward and two steps back.
  • The world tells you that if you look out for yourself, then you will be happy. But it is the woman who lives for God and others who is truly joyful.

Listen to or read more here.


  1. So glad to see this! I'm currently reading nancy's book called Lies Women Believe with my girls accountability group! She is an amazing woman!

  2. Yes she is! She has such great books!
